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Media Formula: When Democrats Err, Republicans ‘Pounce,’ ‘Sieze’

Contributors: 1
Items: 13
Summary Date Source
Republicans Pounce on Obama’s Mideast Speech 05/19/2011 The New York Times
GOP pounces as gas prices climb 02/16/2012 Politico
Romney, GOP Pounce On Obama's Russia Comment 03/27/2012 NPR
The Obama Campaign Tweets, and Republicans Pounce 11/15/2012 The New York Times
Republicans seize on Obama's blown 2014 budget deadline 02/04/2013 The Hill
Republicans seize on health law's growing problems to slam Democrats, brighten hopes for 2014 11/10/2013 Toledo Blaxde
Republicans Pounce on Hillary Clinton's 'Dead Broke' Remark 06/10/2014 U.S. News and World Report
Republicans seize on HSBC scandal to hold up Loretta Lynch's confirmation 02/13/2015 The Guardian
GOP seizes on video of Planned Parenthood exec discussing transfer of aborted fetal tissue 07/14/2015 The Hill
After Trump and Scott cry 'fraud,' critics pounce on Broward County's troubled election history 11/09/2018 The Washington Post
A viral story spread. The mainstream media rushed to keep up. The Trump Internet pounced. 01/22/2019 The Washington Post
Republicans seize on liberal positions to paint Democrats as radical (GOP 'pounced' on Northam 3rd trimester abortion support) 01/31/2019 The Washington Post
Ocasio-Cortez Team Flubs a Green New Deal Summary, and Republicans Pounce 02/11/2019 The New York Times
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