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11 Examples of Teachers Unions Showing Kids Aren’t Their Priority

Contributors: 1
Items: 11
Summary Date Source
Another Revealing School Board Hot Mic Moment: Returning To School Is Like … Slavery 02/25/2021 HotAir
Chicago Teacher’s Union Told Members To Hide Vaccination Status 03/17/2021 HotAir
Teachers Union Prez To CDC: We’re Not Convinced That Your New Three-Foot Distancing Rule For Schools Is Based On Science 03/23/2021 HotAir
Oakland Teachers Refuse To Go Back To Work Despite Getting What They Asked For 03/28/2021 HotAir
San Diego public school teachers to give migrant kids in-person instruction before their own students 03/30/2021 Fox News
LA Teachers Demand Free Child Care Before Returning To In-Person Learning 04/05/2021 LaCorte News
Chicago high school teachers stay home for 2nd day to protest reopening plans 04/15/2021 WG9
Powerful teachers union influenced CDC on school reopenings, emails show 05/01/2021 NY Post
SF teachers union agreed to let seniors return to classrooms (as part of a scam to get $12 million in funding) 05/12/2021 HotAir
Critical race theory opponents to be targeted, ‘researched’ by NEA teachers' union 07/02/2021 Fox News
LA Teacher's Union President defends school closures: 'Our babies may not have learned all their times tables' but 'they know the words insurrection and coup' 08/30/2021 Los Angeles Magazine
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