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29 Things Hillary Clinton Blamed for Losing the 2016 Race

Contributors: 2
Items: 29
Summary Date Source
Putin's "personal beef" against her 12/16/2016 CNN
The "bankrupt" DNC 05/31/2017 CNN
Wikileaks 09/10/2017 Grabien
Fake news 09/10/2017 Grabien
Voter ID laws 09/10/2017 Grabien
The Electoral College 09/13/2017 Grabien
Media bias 09/13/2017 Grabien
Bernie Sanders 09/13/2017 Grabien
Pennsylvania voters 09/13/2017 The TODAY Show
Being too successful 09/13/2017 The TODAY Show
"A plan from Putin and the highest levels of the Kremlin" 09/13/2017 The TODAY Show
Unknown FBI agents who pressured Comey to intervene 09/15/2017 Grabien
Angry voters 09/15/2017 Grabien
Gullible women 09/18/2017 Grabien
'Unfair' media coverage of her secret email server 09/23/2017 MSNBC
America's culture of "sexism and misogyny" 10/15/2017 Grabien
Facebook 10/17/2017 Fox News
Russian interference 11/17/2017 Mother Jones
Voter suppression 11/17/2017 Mother Jones
Islamophobia 12/16/2017 Fox and Friends
Sexists 02/05/2018 Grabien
Macedonia 02/06/2018 Fox News
Women who don't think for themselves 03/10/2018 NTK Network
Non-coastal voters who don't like black people 03/12/2018 Grabien
Non-coastal voters who don't like "women getting jobs" 03/12/2018 Grabien
Non-coastal voters who don't like "seeing Indian-Americans" succeeding 03/12/2018 Grabien
The mainstream media 04/22/2018 Grabien
Being too capitalist 05/02/2018 Grabien
Comey's letter about Weiner's laptop 10/26/2020 Grabien
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