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‘Russiagate’: 17 Times the Media Botched Their Big Trump Takedowns

Contributors: 1
Items: 17
# Summary Date Source
1 FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election? 06/01/2017 dailycaller.com
2 Yet Another Anonymously Sourced Trump-Russia Story Falls Apart 09/07/2017 dailycaller.com
3 ABC News' Brian Ross suspended four weeks without pay for botched Flynn report 12/02/2017 cbsnews.com
4 ABC News suspends Brian Ross for 4 weeks over erroneous Flynn story 12/02/2017 cnn.com
5 ABC News Had to Issue Another Russia Story Correction 12/05/2017 townhall.com
6 New York Times forced to heavily amend another supposed K.T. McFarland 'scoop' 12/05/2017 washingtonexaminer.com
7 The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened 12/09/2017 theintercept.com
8 CORRECTED: Senate Obtains Docs On Russian Social Media Giant’s Contacts With Trump Campaign 01/03/2018 talkingpointsmemo.com
9 Correction: Trump-Russia Probe story 02/03/2018 apnews.com
10 NBC News corrects explosive story on Michael Cohen 05/03/2018 cnn.com
11 In a rare move, Mueller’s office denies BuzzFeed report that Trump told Cohen to lie about Moscow project 01/18/2019 twitter.com
12 BuzzFeed Won’t Say Which Documents Its Reporter Saw For Story That’s Been Disputed By Mueller 01/19/2019 dailycaller.com
13 BuzzFeed reporter, after rebuke by Mueller, unable to explain discrepancies 01/20/2019 foxnews.com
14 Mike Pompeo slams ‘egregious’ CNN report on spy in Russia 09/10/2019 nypost.com
15 Trump Administration Blasts Reports it Pulled Top US Spy from Kremlin 09/10/2019 voanews.com
16 New Russia probe memos expose massive errors in NYT anti-Trump story, Steele dossier 07/17/2020 justthenews.com
17 Comey says Times story about Team Trump-Russia ties was false 06/08/2021 nypost.com
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