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Contributors: 2
Items: 74
Summary Date Source
Nation Building in Afghanistan: Jules Witcover, "Joe Biden: A Life of Trial and Redemption"
To Ban Flag Burning: Pro 07/18/1989 United Press International
The Death Penalty: Pro 06/20/1991 U.S. Senate
Supreme Court Nominations in a Presidential Eletion Year: Con 06/25/1992 C-SPAN
Confederate Flag: Pro 07/23/1993 C-SPAN
NATO Expansion Into Eastern Europe: Con 07/14/1994 U.S. Senate
Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerulsalem: Pro 10/24/1995 U.S. Congress
Freezing Social Security Benefits: Pro 11/16/1995 C-SPAN
To Ban Flag Burning: Con 12/12/1995 CNN
NATO Expansion Into Eastern Europe: Pro 03/18/1998 U.S. Senate
Charter Schools: Pro 06/06/2001 U.S. Congress
No Child Left Behind: Pro 12/18/2001 U.S. Senate
Iraq War: Pro 10/10/2002 Congressional Record
Privatizing Social Security: Pro 02/27/2005 Meet the Press
Student Loan Bankruptcy Charges: Con 03/10/2005 The American Prospect
Mass Surveillance & The Patriot Act: Con 05/12/2006 CBS
Same sex marriage: con 06/04/2006 Meet the Press
Neil Gorsuch: Pro 07/20/2006 Congressional Record
Border Wall: Pro 11/27/2006 Campaign Fundraiser - Columbia, S.C.
Clean Coal: Con 08/30/2007 Grist
Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants: Con 10/25/2007 The New York Times
Cracking Down on Businesses Hiring Illegals: Pro 12/01/2007 Black and Brown Presidential Forum
Clean Coal: Pro 10/25/2008 Winston-Salem Journal
Osama Bin Laden Raid: Con 01/27/2012 C-SPAN
Forcing Religious Institutions To Cover Contraceptions: Con 10/11/2012 Vice Presidential Debate
Forcing Religious Institutions To Cover Contraceptions: Pro 12/13/2012 Kaiser Health News
Red Line in Syria: Pro 08/28/2013 CNN
Having NATO Partners Pay More in Defense Spending: Pro 02/07/2015 The White House
Trans Pacific Partnership: Pro 10/05/2015 NBC News
Supreme Court Nominations in a Presidential Eletion Year: Pro 03/24/2016 Los Angeles Times
Red Line in Syria: Con 11/21/2016 Washington Examiner
Neil Gorsuch: Con 03/29/2018 Washington Examiner
Harsh Penalties for Drug Offenders: Pro 03/29/2019 New York Magazine
Border Wall: Con 04/11/2019 CNN
Crack Cocaine Sentencing Disparity: Pro 04/25/2019 Vox
Mass Incarceration: Pro 04/26/2019 Politifact
Marijuana: Con 04/26/2019 PolitiFact
No Child Left Behind: Con 04/30/2019 Education Week
Sanctuary Cities: Con 05/10/2019 CNN
Sanctuary Cities: Pro 05/10/2019 CNN
Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants: Con 05/10/2019 CNN
Federal Funding of Abortions: Pro 06/06/2019 The New York Times
Federal Funding of Abortions 06/07/2019 The Wall Street Journal
Mass Incarceration: Pro 06/25/2019 The New York Times
Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants: Pro 06/27/2019 The Washington Post
Accepting Mass Amounts of Refugees: Con 07/04/2019 Washington Examiner
Building More Prisons: Pro 07/08/2019 CNN
Building More Prisons: Con 07/08/2019 CNN
Cracking Down on Businesses Hiring Illegals: Con 08/07/2019 Twitter
Accepting Mass Amounts of Refugees: Pro 08/09/2019 Washington Examiner
Same-sex marriage: pro 09/23/2019 The New York Times
Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerulsalem: Con 11/01/2019 PBS
Trans Pacific Partnership: Con 11/04/2019 The Wall Street Journal
Having NATO Partners Pay More in Defense Spending: Con 11/11/2019 CNN Town Hall
Obamacare's Cadillac Tax: Pro 12/11/2019 The Nevada Independent
Obamacare's Cadillac Tax: Con 12/11/2019 The Nevada Independent
Charter Schools: Con 12/14/2019 MSNBC Public Education Forum
Nation Building in Afghanistan: Con 12/19/2019 The Washington Post
Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants: Pro 12/30/2019 Campaign Town Hall
Osama Bin Laden Raid: Pro 01/03/2020 FOX News
Mass Incarceration: Con 01/15/2020 Biden for President
Crack Cocaine Sentencing Disparity: Con 01/15/2020 Biden for President
The Death Penalty: Con 01/15/2020 Biden for President
Harsh Penalties for Drug Offenders: Con 01/15/2020 Biden for President
Marijuana: Pro 01/15/2020 Biden for President
Freezing Social Security Benefits: Con 01/20/2020 Black and Brown Presidential Forum
Iraq War: Con 02/07/2020 ABC News
Moratorium on Deportations: Pro 02/22/2020 Buzzfeed
Moratorium on Deportations: Con 02/22/2020 Buzzfeed
Privatizing Social Security: Con 03/17/2020 Biden for President
Mass Surveillance & The Patriot Act: Pro 04/08/2020 U.S. Department of Justice
Confederate Flag: Con 05/01/2020 Twitter
Obamacare's Cadillac Tax: Con 05/17/2020 United Steelworkers
Student Loan Bankruptcy Charges: Pro 06/16/2020 Biden for President
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